Friday, December 10, 2010

 Chief of Alberta Health Services Fired After Cookie Incident

Last Wednesday the chief of Alberta health services of Australian descent was fired after an incident over a cookie.  The incident happened when he was being pestered by a small group of reporters who wanted him to comment on the crisis of emergency department crowding.  He told them he was eating a cookie which he then shoved into the face of the nearest reporter. 

My opinion on this story is it’s a very funny story yet it is still relevant in mainstream news.  I think maybe he should have cared about issues than eating a cookie.  I guess that’s the way the cookie crumbles you shove a cookie in some ones face and you are likely going to end up paying for it after.  Instead of shoving a cookie in one of the reporters face maybe he should have answered his questions.  He should of at least of had the decency to respond to the reporters instead he tries to avoid it by assaulting one of them with baked goods.  Didn’t his mother tell him not to shove baked goods into people’s faces?  What a way to lose your job as he is going to be remembered as the idiot that lost his job by slamming a cookie in someone’s face.  It’s ridiculous in my opinion I mean what are you doing shoving a cookie in someone’s face it’s just idiocy.  Politicians should have the patience to respond to the media without flying of the handle obviously he didn’t have patience.


News Source:  National Post
Title:  Blackwell on Health:  The cookie that shook a health system
Date:  Nov 26
Author:  Tom Blackwell

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