Friday, December 10, 2010

Court Finds Mohamed Harket to Be a Terror Threat

Mohamed Harket was devastated after the court ruling and claimed to be physically ill because of it.  The federal court judge claimed that he was a security threat as the judge believed that the Algerian born man held ties to Osama bin Laden’s terror network after he entered Canada.  The decision could mean that he will be deported to his native country.  Apparently Harket was really shaken up and was quoted as saying "I can't sleep. I'm not thinking straight. I have pain in my stomach."  He has claimed that that he was just telling them what happened and was being truthful. 

This story is an interesting one as it’s a continuation of what is called the war on terror which has been really successful ever since 9/11.  In case you didn’t notice I am being sarcastic the war on terror really has not been successful and the court has sentenced many innocent people as terrorists.  I believe that this case is a great example of it and I believe this man has no terror plots against Canada of any kind.  Why a man who is lying would not be so shaken up by the whole situation as someone who is telling the truth.  I just don’t think that there is enough sufficient evident to support the claim that this man is threat to Canada.  This man is just and innocent person who trying to create a better life for himself and his wife and there is a high chance he could be sent back to his native country.  It really is a horrible story he has no plans to breach security.  He should be treated like a regular immigrant not like this.  What has the world come to where just because a man is from Algeria and you assume that he poses some threat to security.


News Source:  CP24 
Title:  Mohamed Harkat says he's 'devastated' by court finding him a terror threat
Date:  Dec 10
Author:  The Canadian Press

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